Saturday Lectures Are to be presented online and/or Live



The 2024-25 season's live monthly lectures and meetings will take place at  the Swarthmore Education Centre 2-7 Woodhouse Square, Leeds, LS3 1AD . Lectures may also take place by Zoom as well as or instead of live meetings. 

This web page will be updated as information becomes available.


Please note that lectures will take place on Saturday mornings on the dates listed and start at 11:00 a.m. unless otherwise indicated.


If meetings are to be held using Zoom please register your intention to join the lecture at  FHS Lectures together with details of your name and YAHS Section (if applicable) at the latest two days before the lecture date. This will enable the organisers to issue your e-invitation/meeting entrance e-ticket in a timely manner. 


Guest Visitors are welcome subject to access limits at the meeting location or on Zoom.



Owing to server capactiy restrictions we ask that those who wish to to receive Zoom information for the 2024-25 season's meetings notify the Webmaster by e-mail to blackadder 47@btinternet.com







Updated 30th August 2024



September 14th   A Virtual Tour of Pudsey

                            Christine Throp  -  Pudsey Civic Society


October 12th        A Working Life In Leeds
                           Lynne Harding  - Amateur Historian

November 9th     
 Send Them Back Home  -  Women after WW1
ane Abramson - Amateur Historian

December 14th     Museum Advent Calendar
                          Kitty Ross - Curator of Leeds History/Social History
                                Leeds Museums & Galleries 


January 11th        How to produce a Family History and keep one's sanity
                           Richard Smith - Reviewed Family Historian & Author 

February 8th          Using DNA for Family History -an overview
                           Folkfinders - Bev & Phil Taylor (Professional Family Historians)         

March 8th               To Be Advised



Family History Fairs




For a full list of Fairs and Events go to http://geneva.weald.org.uk